DNP: Thermal Transfer Ribbons with Certified Quality

DNP Imagingcomm America Corporation (DNP) is the world’s largest manufacturer of thermal transfer ribbons for bar code printers. With over 59 manufacturing plants worldwide, you can bet that if an industry uses bar codes, they are probably using DNP products! Just look at this list of applications:

  • Chemicals
  • Compliance
  • Electronics
  • Food & Beverage
  • Inventory/Logistics
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Retail

With applications in this many industries, DNP has experience providing label media in your industry.

Location, location, location

AbeTech has been providing label media—including thermal transfer ribbons—to our clients for over 25 years. We know the value of working with a label partner that makes response times a priority. DNP fits the bill in this regard. They have strategically placed four distribution centers across the United States so you can be sure timely delivery is never compromised.

Quality standards (ISO)

When you have manufacturing plants and distribution centers around the world, it’s important to stay organized and always be improving processes. To make sure all plants run efficiently and smoothly, DNP holds the ISO 9001: Quality Management certification. This management tool includes audits to processes involving customer and regulatory mandates.

DNP also shares AbeTech’s commitment to the environment. ISO 14001 is the framework for an environmental management system to help reduce waste and conform to applicable laws and regulations. If you care about the environment like we do, this is a big deal!

DNP and AbeTech are your thermal transfer experts

When you require thermal transfer ribbons for your labeling and bar code needs, look no futher than DNP ribbons from AbeTech. You’ll be sure to have timely delivery and a quality product, backed by world-recognized quality standards. 

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