Bring Hands-Free Image and Video Capture for Factory, Field Safety and Compliance

Visual Assist Overview

Visual Assist with RealWear HMT-1™ empowers every worker with a voice-operated, high-resolution camera.  The HMT-1™ platform frees their hands so they can concentrate on their work. The RealWear HMT-1™ is a powerful, fully rugged Android computer that is worn on the head and replaces the touch screen with an articulated micro-display to simulate a 7-inch tablet screen.

A Job Well Done

The HMT-1™ platform is lightweight and can be taken into hard-to-reach places like tunnels, towers, or behind large machinery and equipment. Now workers can easily take photos or video during their work for verification and archival substantiation.  The HMT-1™ platform can also be used for knowledge transfer and training. 


  • Workers put themselves in danger by carrying bulky cameras. With their hands occupied they're unable to respond to changes in their environment.
  • Visual inspections by fellow engineers do not include photographs. Often, the only evidence of a job inspection are a few notes in a log book.
  • Younger workers do not have the experience to interpret what they see. Any delays in identifying problems can lead to escalating costs and downtime.


  • Workers can easily take pictures of procedures with a few simple voice commands, even in loud environments.
  • Engineers and inspectors can quickly take photos of every part of a job inspection while performing the task at hand.
  • All workers can easily take pictures, capture, and share video for interpretation by experienced workers at headquarters. Now they can get the help they need to identify problems in seconds, instead of through costly trial and error. 

Benefits To Using Visual Assist:


  • Speed of knowledge transfer
  • Ease of record keeping
  • Safety compliance
  • Work quality
  • Productivity


  • Worker turnover through lack of modern training techniques
  • Work-related accidents
  • Errors
  • Poor record keeping
  • Downtime 


Providing Verification & Knowledge Transfer For:

  • Compliance with government and corporate mandates
  • Safety inspections substantiation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Validation for correct procedures
  • Verification of work conducted
  • On-demand training
  • Insurance claims 


RealWear HMT-1™ Capabilities:

Capabilities vary by software provider and may not be supported by all applications. Capabilities to consider:

Hands-free Camera Settings

  • Say what you see ("take photo", "photo preview", "zoom level")
  • Easily adjust exposure level for dim or bright environments
  • Quickly navigate to and from photo album and camera
  • Auto-stabilize video and change the frame rate
  • Refine image and video resolution
  • Adjust zoom and aspect ratio
  • choose the field of view
  • Manually focus 
  • photo preview

Capture and Archive

  • Save and shape photos and videos
  • Organize into albums


  • Control security setting via Foresight cloud services
  • Set user permissions on camera controls 


To learn more about RealWear's HMT-1™, contact our team an AbeTech Solution Expert to get more details.

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