Dear Valued Client,
We want to provide assurances that AbeTech is fully operational amid the COVID-19 crisis and “Shelter in Place” mandates throughout the United States. Under “Shelter in Place” businesses and organizations that provide critical infrastructure products or services are considered essential and allowed to continue operations. AbeTech is a provider of critical business services and has been officially designated as an “essential provider”.
In support of our clients that provide critical infrastructure to America, we have implemented new “Essential Provider” procedures. If your company is exempt from “Shelter in Place”, please notify AbeTech’s Client Care team immediately so that we can update our records and prioritize our services to you.
For clients that are considered essential, we are doing the following:
Assigned a program manager that is your liaison to our “Shelter in Place” task force.
Flagging your account in our ERP system as an “Essential Provider”.
Flagging orders from “Essential” clients to ensure they are processed with high priority.
In addition to our Essential Provider Procedures, we want to assure you that:
We are fully functioning and able to respond to all client requests.
Our warehouse and engineering teams are fully operational.
Our field-based engineers can travel to clients for critical projects and are equipped to provide remote support as well.
Our office team is fully operational with no disruption of service or communication with our clients.
We are in constant communication with our suppliers monitoring product availability and lead-times. Our warehouse has space available to accommodate bulk/stocking orders and our label-print bureau has capacity to help with custom print runs.
AbeTech is a people-first company and we are protecting the health and safety of our employees amid this crisis. We are here to serve you in every way feasible. Lean on us to help you through this COVID-19 Pandemic. Thank you for your partnership and entrusting AbeTech with your business.
Please contact us at:
Client Care
Service and Support