The AbeTech headquarters, located at 12560 Fletcher Lane Suite 100 in Rogers, Minnesota, has recently seen a number of changes and improvements. Not only has each room within the building received a fresh coat of paint, but the Professional Service department, led by Rick Segal VP IT and Services, has moved into a dedicated services area. The move occurred during the third quarter and took place without client interference thanks to the amazing planning that transpired prior to the relocation.
The space is designated for efficient hardware deployments and staging, which includes custom work stations and an adequate environment for engineers to work on programming the devices. The new area is also designed to promote proactive collaboration and teamwork by providing team seating and low cube walls. The idea is to help foster creative and innovative ideas that will better service our clients and identify new ways to approach problems.
Dave Rimmer, a member of AbeTech's PS team, stated that at first he was skeptical of the low cube walls, but now thoroughly enjoys being able to talk with his fellow teammates over them. Mr. Rimmer also commented, "It saves so much time being able to just stand up and talk to someone else on the team. I am not only saving my time, but I am saving the client time as well. We can solve issues faster and get back to the client quicker."
The PS department's earmarked location in the back of the AbeTech building also allows for 50% growth. In a recent conversation with Rick Segal he stated, "Having room to grow excites us all! We can only anticipate the day when we will outgrow the space we have been given." This conversation took place as we observed Rick's team collaborating on various projects throughout the room. Quiet chatter and the sound of heavy metal music filled the room as the PS department energetically worked to complete assignments ahead of client expectations.
The future only looks bright for this team and we cannot wait to share their accomplishments!