Industry 4.0: What it is and How it Can Benefit You

Industry 4.0: the fourth Industrial Revolution. Big Data, cloud computing, deep learning, cyber-physical systems (CPS)… buzz-words abound! Research “Industry 4.0” or the “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIOT) and you’ll be sick of buzz-words in no time; so let’s cut to the chase.

If you have devices or networks that collect data manufacturers and producers use to identify, optimize, and trace parts and subassemblies you’re a part of Industry 4.0!

But hold on a second… How did we get here anyway? And how will this revolution impact your workplace? Read on to find out.

What is Industry 4.0?

The term Industry 4.0 harkens back to three other industrial revolutions, the most recent: the adaptation of computers, programmable tools and digitization of manufacturing environments in the 1970s. Originally coined in Germany as “Industrie 4.0,” it is sometimes called the “Industrial Internet of Things” and considered a subset of the “Internet of Things” in the United States.

So what’s new with 4.0? If Industry 3.0 was about the digitization of each part of your manufacturing process, Industry 4.0 takes things a step further by connecting everything with instant, automatic and universal connectivity protocols.

Once your devices are all connected, your data collection process will enable devices to autonomously exchange information, as well as control and interact with each other independently, creating operations that are far more automation-driven.

With Industry 4.0, your production and distribution operations will see:

  • improved processes

  • lower production costs

  • decreased waste

  • increased flexibility

  • higher quality

Benefits of Industry 4.0

Big data – Industry 4.0 capabilities will transform raw data into actionable information and insights that can drive real, measurable performance improvements.

Intelligent supply chain – Manufacturing systems' communication networks will scan for input from the marketplace and use this information to fine-tune production parameters.

“Industry of Things” – Manufacturers will enjoy greater flexibility as robots, machine vision systems, raw materials inputs and other aspects of the production line are able to communicate with each other directly.

Pervasive connectivity – Instant access to data and operations information via the cloud and mobile devices will connect workers to critical and time-sensitive information like downtime notifications, details on out-of-spec production abnormalities, maintenance needs and other critical issues requiring on-site intervention.

Do these sound like benefits you could use?

Your warehouse, manufacturing facility or supply chain operations can see major benefits from more advanced automation, more robust data collection and more consistent interoperability between devices. AbeTech has 25+ years of experience with all things data capture. We want to be your premium integrator as you make the transition to Industry 4.0.

To get started, reach out to an AbeTech representative today. Industry 4.0 is here, and you don’t want to get left behind the competition.

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