Omron Microscan and AbeTech Make Error-free Manufacturing a Reality

AbeTech loves partners who provide value to our clients. Omron Microscan and their vast network of technical professionals is the reason for our strong relationship with Omron Microscan. Providers of bar code, machine vision and verification hardware since 1982, Microscan invented first laser diode barcode scanner, the first 2D symbogy data matrix and they are still innovating today.

Omron Microscan is an expert in the following categories:
-high-speed bar code reading
-high-accuracy orientation, placement and coordination checking
-analytics-driven tracking, traceability and control solutions


Quality you can trust

Another reason AbeTech trusts Microscan as a partner is their process-driven commitment to quality.
AbeTech can help you choose the Microscan product that is best for you needs. You won’t have to worry about quality because Omron Microscan has processes in place to ensure their products always exceed customer expectations including:
-a quality guarantee on their products.
-established quality standards internally and with partners
-and continual improvement processes.

Just like AbeTech, Omron Microscan and its employees are encouraged to innovate, which keeps them inspired and motivated to create the best vision solutions for your needs.

The freedom to grow

Whatever size operation you are running, AbeTech will work with Omron Microscan to find the hardware you need. Smaller, more streamlined operations that simply require basic bar code scanning are no issue for Omron Microscan, but that doesn’t mean they can’t handle larger projects!

AbeTech has worked with Omron Microscan to design large scale, highly technical machine vision projects. The flexibility to work in almost any situation is what makes Omron Microscan vision products so special. The Micohawk Line of readers is the smallest of its class, which means they can fit anywhere and pair with any other vision system you may have in place. Plus, if you need guidance, AbeTech and Omron Microscan can even help you design a new system.

Contact us today to get started on a path to high-speed, error-free, tracking and traceability of your goods with Omron Microscan products.

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